全球最大奢侈品集团LVMH路威酩轩集团宣布,孙玮(Wei Sun Christianson)将成为首位华人董事。她将在股东大会上正式加入LVMH集团董事会。




On the recommendation of the Governance and Compensation Committee, the Board of Directors meeting on April 18 will also be asked to appoint Wei Sun Christianson as a Director.

“Wei Sun Christianson’s financial culture, her understanding of the luxury goods market and above all her in-depth and invaluable knowledge of China will be invaluable assets for the Board of Directors. The arrival of Wei Sun Christianson further strengthens the Board in terms of its expertise, diversity and independence.”, continued Bernard Arnault.

A graduate of Amherst College and the Columbia University School of Law in America, Wei Sun Christians is an attorney at the New York bar. She began her career as a lawyer in the New York office of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe before joining the Securities and Finance Commission of Hong Kong as a Director. She then successively held the position of Chairwoman for China and Country Manager at Credit Suisse First Boston, Chairwoman for Citigroup Global Markets (Asia) Ltd China before being appointed CEO China and Co-CEO, Asia Pacific for the American investment bank Morgan Stanley where she worked for close to 20 years. In this role, she was responsible for overseeing and coordinating all business activities in China and other countries in Asia Pacific. She was also a member of Morgan Stanley’s Firm Management Committee.

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香港上市中介机构排行榜 (过去两年:2022年&2023年)



作者 hkmipo
