
据了解,这名副总裁是私人财富管理集团(private wealth management group)的成员,他身后留下了妻子和三个孩子。「出于对家人的尊重,我们不会透露他的名字

在eFinancialCareers看到并发送给其团队成员的一份备忘录中,负责管理新加坡办事处的Ron Lee、Faisal Shamsee和香港合伙人James Ellery表示,副总裁「因其专业承诺和毫不妥协的奉献精神而受到钦佩,但众所周知,他是一个真正忠于家庭的男人,对妻子和三个女儿的爱和奉献,并且我们将非常怀念他

这位副总裁在高盛工作19年,先是担任财富管理专业人士(wealth management professional),然后担任财务顾问(financial advisor),最后担任私人财富顾问(private wealth advisor)

A Goldman Sachs VP in Singapore died after being taken ill at work on Tuesday
The cause of his death is unknown. He is understood to have been part of the private wealth management group. He is survived by a wife and three children, and we are not sharing his name out of respect for the family.
In a memo seen by eFinancialCareers and sent to members of his team, Ron Lee, Faisal Shamsee, who run the Singapore office, and James Ellery, a partner in Hong Kong said the VP was “admired for his professional commitment and uncompromising dedication, but was known best as a man truly devoted to his family and for his love and dedication to his wife and three daughters,” and that he “will be very much missed.”
The VP worked for Goldman Sachs for 19 years, first as a wealth management professional, then as a financial advisor and ultimately as a private wealth advisor.

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作者 hkmipo
