




“This action involves breaches of trust by gatekeepers within the gatekeeper entrusted to audit many of our Nation’s public companies. It’s simply outrageous that the very professionals responsible for catching cheating by clients cheated on ethics exams of all things,” said Gurbir S. Grewal, Director of the SEC’s Enforcement Division. “And it’s equally shocking that Ernst & Young hindered our investigation of this misconduct. This action should serve as a clear message that the SEC will not tolerate integrity failures by independent auditors who choose the easier wrong over the harder right.”

EY admits that, over multiple years, a significant number of EY audit professionals cheated on the ethics component of CPA exams and various continuing professional education courses required to maintain CPA licenses, including ones designed to ensure that accountants can properly evaluate whether clients’ financial statements comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

EY further admits that during the Enforcement Division’s investigation of potential cheating at the firm, EY made a submission conveying to the Division that EY did not have current issues with cheating when, in fact, the firm had been informed of potential cheating on a CPA ethics exam. EY also admits that it did not correct its submission even after it launched an internal investigation into cheating on CPA ethics and other exams and confirmed there had been cheating, and even after its senior lawyers discussed the matter with members of the firm’s senior management. And as the Order finds, EY did not cooperate in the SEC’s investigation regarding its materially misleading submission.

“这一行动涉及受托审计我们国家许多上市公司的看门人内部的看门人违反信任。”美国SEC执法部门主任 Gurbir S. Grewal 说,负责捕捉客户作弊行为的专业人士在所有事情的道德考试中作弊,这简直令人发指。”同样让人震惊的是,安永阻碍了我们对这一不当行为的调查。这一行动应该作为一个明确的信息,即美国SEC不会容忍独立审计师选择更容易的错误而不是更难的正确的完整性失败。”


安永进一步承认,在执法部门对该公司潜在作弊行为进行调查期间,安永向该部门提交了一份文件,表明安永目前不存在作弊问题,而事实上,该公司已被告知可能在注册会计师道德方面作弊考试。安永还承认,即使在对注册会计师道德和其他考试作弊进行内部调查并确认存在作弊行为后,甚至在其高级律师与公司高级管理人员讨论此事后,它也没有更正提交的文件。正如命令所发现的那样,安永没有配合 SEC 对其具有重大误导性的提交的调查。

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香港 IPO中介机构排行榜 (过去24个月:2020年6月至2022年5月)

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