
彭博报道,Patrick George被委任为资本市场和证券服务主管(head of markets and securities services),作为汇控投行管理层改组的一部分,以精简决策流程。他取代Georges Elhedery,后者被提拔为汇丰财务总监。

Holder of a master’s degree in finance from Concordia University in Montreal in 1993, Patrick George founded FFA Private Bank, a Lebanese investment bank, a few months later. 
After being fully invested in it for two years, the banker was recruited by HSBC in 1996 as head of equities in emerging markets, bringing together countries in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. 
Between 2008 and 2016, the latter served as the bank’s global head of equities, managing all sales, trading and financing activities. Patrick George was then promoted to head of stock markets in connection with the EMEA economic region, encompassing Europe, the Middle East and Africa. 
At the end of 2019, he then moved on to the position of Head of Bond Markets and Services (MSS) in Western Europe and North America.

汇控发言人确认有关通告内容,通告另提及委任报道引述备忘录显示,Gerry Keefe、Lisa McGeough为全球银行业务联席主管。Gerry Keefe目前是美洲的全球银行业务主管,于2021年1月从花旗集团加入汇丰,曾在美国的银行工作14年;Lisa McGeough于2021年出任欧洲全球银行业务主管,此前任职于富国银行。

通告显示全球银行及市场主管Greg Guyett,将在未来数周召开内部会议解释有关改动。Greg Guyett称,此举有助向个别团体赋予更大问责度,及促进地区与产品线业务之间的合作。

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作者 hkmipo
