近日,毕马威澳大利亚公司一位非常成功的合伙人David Ibels失踪,几天后他被发现丧生于斯普林布鲁克国家公园(Springbrook National Park)。 David Ibels,43岁,最后一次有人看见他是在布里斯班南部Mount Tamborine附近,时间是上周六凌晨。 Ibels先生最后一次与家人联系是在上周六凌晨4点45分。本周周一,警方在斯普林布鲁克国家公园附近发现了他的黑色保时捷卡宴旅行车。下午2点左右,警方在同一地区发现了他的尸体。 在搜寻过程中,警方还发现了第二具尸体,据悉该具尸体是一名75岁的老人,他于7月31日在桑兰兹失踪。 警方表示,这两起死亡事件没有关联,也没有可疑之处。警方将为验尸官准备报告。 毕马威澳大利亚首席执行官Andrew Yates表示,Ibels先生的死讯 “令人难以接受”,是 “令人难以置信的悲伤的一天”。 Ibels先生的朋友们曾在Tamborine社区的Facebook群组中发出了求助呼吁。 “一位非常要好的朋友和同事在坦伯林山地区失踪了。我们非常担心他的安危,希望您能帮助我们找到他。” “已向当地警方报案,但我们希望得到社会各界的帮助,找到他。” “他的妻子和小女儿非常担心,想和他联系。” Ibels先生的家人在周日上午通过昆士兰警方发表的一份声明中说,他们“担心他的安危,因为他的行为与他的性格格格不入”。 David Ibels是毕马威澳大利亚公司的合伙人,与律师妻子Anastasia Nicholas育有一个年幼的女儿。 据报道,这家人住在布里斯班内郊新农场的富人区,他们所住的房屋价值360万美元。 失踪前几日,Ibels还在一位朋友的LinkedIn发帖下评论祝贺她找到了一份新工作。 他写道:“祝贺你,Maddy!获得精彩的角色和机会。祝你愉快,并致以最良好的祝愿。” 据Ibels先生的LinkedIn资料,他于2016年6月起担任毕马威澳大利亚的合伙人,他2011年即加入毕马威澳大利亚,距今已12年。 Ibels先生是毕马威澳大利亚位于Heritage Lanes的布里斯班总部项目开发的关键人物,该项目耗资8亿澳元。 该建筑由房地产巨头Mirvac开发,采用可再生电力,净零碳排放。 就在一个月前,Ibels还在LinkedIn上宣传这间豪华的新办公室。 原英文报道如下: The social media posts of a highly successful KPMG partner, whose body was tragically found in a national park this week, have been revealed. David Ibels, 43, was last seen near the Mount Tamborine area, south of Brisbane, in the early hours of Saturday morning. Mr Ibels appeared to have it all. He was a partner at a ‘Big Four’ consultancy firm, was married to beautiful barrister wife Anastasia Nicholas, and the couple had a young daughter. The family lived in the plush area of New Farm, in Brisbane’s inner suburbs, in a house worth reportedly $3.6 million dollars. On Wednesday last week, Mr Ibels wrote his last social media post. He commented on a friend’s LinkedIn post to congratulate her on landing a new job. “Congratulations, Maddy! Fantastic role and opportunity. Enjoy and best wishes,” he wrote. Mr Ibels was a key figure in the development of KPMG Australia’s $800 million Brisbane headquarters at Heritage Lanes. The building, developed by property giant Mirvac, is powered by renewable electricity and has net-zero carbon emissions. Just one month ago, Mr Ibels was promoting the plush new office on LinkedIn. “Roll out the blue carpet … several years of hard work culminated in the opening of KPMG Australia’s new Brisbane HQ at Heritage Lanes this week,” he wrote. “This is a brilliant workplace with exceptional amenities for our staff and clients to connect, collaborate, grow and make a significant impact.” He noted some of the highlights include “working with many talented teams”, “feeling the energy in this space”, “the value of proximity bias” and “Our Brisbane Consulting team co-located on the one floor”. Friends and colleagues were quick to congratulate him on the achievement. One wrote, “Looks great Dibs”. “Congratulations to you and the team – I know you played a key role in driving in the outcome,” another wrote. Unfolding tragedy Mr Ibels was last in contact with a family member at 4.45am on Saturday.Police conducted a search of Springbrook National Park on Monday in the vicinity of where his black Porsche Cayenne station wagon was found. His body was found by police at around 2pm in the same area. During the search, police also found a second body, believed to be a 75-year-old man who was reported missing from Thornlands on July 31.The deaths are not connected and are not being treated as suspicious, police said. Police will prepare reports for the coroner. KPMG Australia chief executive Andrew Yates said the news of Mr Ibels’ death was “hard to accept” and an “incredibly sad day”. “David was an incredible person, a great partner, and so focused on our people,” he said. “He was an extraordinary individual – making this news so hard to accept.“It’s an incredibly sad day, losing a great partner, and friend. “All our thoughts are with David’s family. His loss will be felt by many, not only within our firm but more broadly with our clients and the Queensland community.” Concerned friends of Mr Ibels appealed for help in the local Tamborine Community Facebook group earlier this week. “A very good friend and colleague has gone missing in the Mt Tamborine area. We are very concerned about his welfare and would like your help in locating him,” one wrote. “This has been reported to the local police but we would like the help of your community to find him. “His wife and young daughter are very concerned and would like to speak to him.” In a statement shared through Queensland Police on Sunday morning, Mr Ibels’ family said they were “concerned for his welfare as his behaviour is out of character”.